Monday, January 30, 2006

How To: House-Train Your Puppy

When I lived in Hong Kong for a time, I was impressed with the method they used for controlling dog-waste. In every public park, there were designated sandpits with dog signs on them, where the dog would do its ‘business’ in the sandpit instead of on the grass or path. Even our adult dog, that we brought all the way from Australia with us, learned very quickly to use the sandpits.

1. Designate a toilet-area for your puppy outside such as a small sandpit or a corner of your yard.

2. Observe your puppy closely and learn the signs to when he needs to relieve himself.

3. Make sure to put him in his toilet area each and every time he needs to go, even if he has an ‘accident’ and does it on your rug, put him immediately in his designated toilet area. He will soon learn that’s the place to go.

4. If he accidentally goes in the house, wash clean with white vinegar. Dogs do not like the smell and won’t go there.

5. Lavish with praise and treats when your pup does the right thing.

6. At night, get up often approx every 2 hours to take your puppy outside to the toilet. They are babies after all.

Copyright 2006. Rebecca Laklem


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